Miguel Oliveira ansioso pela prova inaugural do Campeonato do Mundo de Moto GP


O jovem português da Leopard Racing está prestes a dar início à primeira jornada do Campeonato do Mundo de Moto GP de 2016. Depois dos últimos testes de pré-temporada que reforçaram a evolução positiva do piloto de Almada, Miguel Oliveira mostra-se confiante para o seu ano de estreia na Moto 2, aos comandos de uma moto Kalex e com uma nova equipa. É já no próximo fim-de-semana no Qatar que, debaixo de luzes artificiais, se dá o arranque da nova temporada de MotoGP 2016.  O circuito de Losail é o palco de um ambiente sempre especial para todas as equipas e pilotos e onde se disputa a primeira das 18 corridas previstas no calendário. 

Recorde-se que ainda antes do arranque do campeonato pilotos e equipas tiveram a oportunidade de testar neste mesmo traçado que foi pela primeira vez palco de testes oficias para as equipas de Moto3 e Moto2.  Com o regulamento a ser alterado nesta temporada de forma a dar a mesma oportunidade às equipas com menos recursos financeiros, os pilotos viram estipulados o número de 10 dias máximos de testes privados e os habituais 6 dias de testes oficiais IRTA. Miguel Oliveira e a Leopard Racing Team iniciaram os seu programa de testes em Fevereiro no circuito da Catalunha, passaram por Valência e rumaram a Jerez de la Frontera onde cumpriram 7 dias dos 10 estipulados e onde o piloto de Almada sofreu uma queda e fraturou dois dedos da mão direita. Dez dias depois, o piloto de Almada rumava novamente ao circuito de Andaluzia para dar início aos testes oficiais, condicionado pela fractura do dedo anelar da mão direita que lhe causava desconforto na sua adaptação à nova categoria.  Já no Qatar, no circuito de Losail, deu-se início aos últimos 3 dias de testes oficiais que permitiram ao piloto e à equipa dar mais um passo na sua evolução, ficando o pouco mais de 1 segundo da volta mais rápida da tabela de tempos.

A ansiedade do piloto português é comum no inicio de cada temporada, mas este ano tem uma sensação diferente por correr com pilotos com quem nunca correu na grande maioria. No entanto, Miguel Oliveira está optimista para o arranque da temporada. “Todos os anos fico ansioso, mas este ano é uma sensação diferente: são pilotos que eu não conheço em corrida e que não sei como será competir com eles; Será certamente um processo de descoberta e de aprendizagem. Sei que ainda tenho de me adaptar mais a esta nova categoria, sobretudo à distância de corrida. Durante os últimos testes melhoramos significativamente a moto e a minha condução e isso refletiu-se nos meus tempos por volta, por isso estou optimista para esta primeira prova. Espero estar junto dos mais rápidos em poucas corridas.

Sempre atento aos seus Fãs e seguidores, Miguel Oliveira não quis deixar criar um momento único e organizou em parceria com a Câmara de Almada e a Sport TV, um espaço Miguel Oliveira - Fan Club, onde  no próximo domingo a partir das 12h00 podem assistir em directo e em exclusivo à transmissão da primeira corrida no Qatar. O espaço tem lugar no  Caparica Primavera Surf Fest, na Praia do Paraíso na Costa da Caparica e a entrada é gratuita. “Sei que há cada vez mais adeptos do motociclismo em Portugal e quis arranjar forma de os reunir. Como este é mais um momento importante para mim, nada como sentir o apoio sempre incondicional  dos portugueses. Com o apoio da Câmara Municipal de Almada, do Caparica Primavera Surf Fest e da Sport TV alinhamos as condições para uma transmissão em directo desta primeira corrida. Acho que vai ser também uma boa oportunidade para demonstrar que o motociclismo também move multidões.”, remata o vice-campeão mundial de Moto3.

A pista de Losail foi construída em 2004, está localizada perto da cidade de Doha e tem uma extensão total de 5.380 metros. Recebeu o seu primeiro Grande Prémio em 2004 mas apenas em 2008 surgiu em formato de corrida nocturna. O traçado mistura curvas de elevada e média velocidade, com uma recta da meta com mais de 1000 metros de extensão.

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Terms and Conditions


Submissions may not contain, as determined by MAFO - Gestão de Carreiras de Atletas, Lda (“MAFO”), in its sole discretion, any content that:
- is sexually explicit or suggestive; unnecessarily violent or derogatory of any ethnic, racial, gender, religious, professional or age group; profane or pornographic; contains nudity;
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- violates any law.

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Submissions must be the original work of the participant, and may not have been previously published, may not have won previous awards, and must not infringe upon the copyrights, trademarks, rights of privacy, publicity or other intellectual property or other rights of any person or entity. If a Submission contains any material or elements that are not owned by the participant, and/or which are subject to the rights of third parties, the participant is responsible for obtaining, prior to submission of a Submission, any and all releases and consents necessary to permit the use and exhibition of a Submission by in the manner set forth in these Terms & Conditions, including, without limitation, name and likeness permissions from any person who appears in or is identifiable in a Submission. MAFO reserves the right to request proof of these permissions in a form acceptable to MAFO from any participant at any time. Failure to provide such proof may, if requested, render Submission null and void. By making a Submission, participant warrants and represents that he/she and any persons appearing or who are identifiable in a Submission consent to making the Submission and to its use as otherwise set forth herein.

By making a Submission, participant acknowledges and agrees that MAFO may obtain many Submissions in connection with this “fanwall” and/or other “fanwall” staged and/or promoted by MAFO, and that such Submissions may be similar or identical in theme, idea, format or other respects to other Submissions submitted in connection with this “fanwall” and/or other “fanwall” sponsored by MAFO or submitted for other reasons or other materials developed by Miguel Oliveira or by MAFO. Participant waives any and all claims participant may have had, may have, and/or may have in the future, that any Submission and/or other works accepted, reviewed and/or used by the participant may be similar to his/her Submission, or that any compensation is due to participant in connection with such Submission or other works used by Miguel Oliveira or MAFO.

By making a Submission, participant hereby grants permission for his/her Submission to be posted on the Website. Participant agrees that Released Parties (as defined below) are not responsible for any unauthorized use of Submissions by third parties. Released Parties do not guarantee the posting of any Submission and may remove a posted Submission at any time. LICENSING OF SUBMISSIONS/GRANT OF RIGHTS

By participating in the fanwall, and to the extent allowed by law, participants: (i) grant a worldwide, royalty-free, irrevocable, non-exclusive, sub-licensable (including the right to sublicense to further third parties), unconditional, fully paid-up and transferable license to use his/her first name, last name and create derivative works of all Submissions (whether acceptable or not, regardless of the form they take, and including, without limitation, any and all copyrights, trademarks, contract and licensing rights, moral rights or “droit moral” and other intellectual property and proprietary rights in Submissions) to MAFO; (ii) agree that MAFO may license and assign all such rights to Miguel Oliveira and others (collectively “Licensees”); (iii) grant MAFO and Licensees the absolute right and permission to edit, modify, cut, rearrange, add to, delete from, reproduce, encode, store, transmit, produce, publish, rent, lease, distribute (directly or indirectly through multiple tiers), post, broadcast, publicly perform or display, adapt, exhibit and/or otherwise use or reuse or exploit (without limitation as to when or to the number of times used) and use the content of and elements embodied in the Submissions and the Submissions themselves in perpetuity (except in France, for the duration of rights) in any and all media including but not limited to digital and electronic media, television, cinema, computer, DVD, CD, Competition Site(s), print, audio and audiovisual media (whether now existing or hereafter devised), in any language, throughout the world, and in any manner, for trade, advertising, “fanwall, commercial, or any other purposes without further review, notice, approval, consideration or compensation to participant or any third party; (iv) shall execute and deliver documents, at MAFO’ expense, requested by MAFO or as may be necessary to vest in MAFO the rights and waivers provided herein; (v) agree that email may satisfy any writing requirement that may apply to the assignment, conveyance, transfer, license, or waiver of any of the aforementioned rights; (vi) waive and release the Released Parties from any and all claims that participants may now or hereafter have in any jurisdiction based on “moral rights” or “droit moral” or unfair competition with respect to MAFO exploitation of Submissions without further compensation to participants of any kind; (vii) agree not to instigate, support, maintain, or authorize any action, claim, or lawsuit against MAFO or Licensees, or any other person, on the grounds that any use of any Submission, or any derivative works, infringe or violate any of participants’ rights therein; and (viii) agree that MAFO and Licensees shall have the right and permission to use the name, photograph, twitter handle (if applicable), testimonial or other likeness or personal exposition of a participant (and/or any edited portion thereof) for “fanwall, advertising and/or publicity purposes in any media, now or hereafter known throughout the world in perpetuity, without compensation or notice to, or further consent of, any participant to the extent permitted by law. Participants also agree that MAFO may have access to, may have created, or may in the future create designs, ideas and concepts that may have familiarities or similarities to his/her Submission, and that he/she will not be entitled to any compensation or right to negotiate with MAFO because of these familiarities or similarities.


Each participant on the “fanwall” area accepts the conditions stated in these Terms & Conditions, agrees to be bound by the decisions of MAFO, warrants that he or she is eligible to participate in this “fanwall”, and agrees, subject to applicable law, to release, indemnify, and hold harmless the Released Parties and each of their parent companies, divisions, subsidiaries, affiliates, advertising, “fanwall”, and public relations agencies, and the respective officers, directors, employees, representatives, and agencies of each from and against any and all claims, losses, liability, and damages of any kind, (including reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses) asserted against any of them, any injury, damage, death, loss, or accident to person or property, or from the respective participants’ breach of any agreement or warranty associated with the “fanwall”, including these Terms & Conditions. Any attempt to deliberately damage any website or undermine the legitimate operation of the “fanwall” is a violation of criminal and civil laws and, should such an attempt be made, the Released Parties and each of their Licensees reserve the right to seek any and all remedies available from any such person(s) responsible for any such attempt to the fullest extent permitted by law.
Unless the laws relevant for the domicile of the participant provide otherwise, this “fanwall” is governed by the laws of Portugal, and is subject to all applicable local laws. Any and all legal actions or claims arising in connection with this “fanwall” must be brought in a court of competent jurisdiction in the Portuguese territory.


Participants further agree that MAFO, their Licensees, and any of their respective parents, subsidiaries, affiliates and each of their respective officers, directors, shareholders, agents and employees (collectively, the “Released Parties”), and any Internet access providers are not responsible for the following: (a) electronic transmissions, Submissions that are lost, late, stolen, incomplete, damaged, garbled, destroyed, misdirected or not posted or received by MAFO or its agents for any reason; (b) any problems or technical malfunctions, errors, omissions, interruptions, deletions, defects, delays in operation or transmission, communication failures and/or human error that may occur in the transmission, receipt or processing of Submissions or related materials; or for destruction of or unauthorized access to, or alteration of, Submissions or related material; (c) failed or unavailable hardware, network, software or telephone transmissions, damage to participants’ or any person’s computer and/or its contents related to or resulting from participation in this “fanwall”, or (d) causes that jeopardize the administration, security, fairness, integrity, or proper conduct of this “fanwall”; (e) any Submissions submitted in a manner that is not expressly allowed under these Terms & Conditions (all such Submissions will be disqualified); (f) any printing errors in these Terms & Conditions or in any advertisements or correspondence in connection with this “fanwall”. MAFO reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to cancel or suspend this “fanwall” or any portion herein should virus, bugs, fraud, hacking, or other causes corrupt the administration, security, or proper play of the “fanwall”. In such cases, notice to this effect will be posted on the Website. If, in MAFO opinion, there is any suspected or actual evidence of electronic or non-electronic tampering with any portion of the “fanwall” or if technical difficulties compromise the integrity of the “fanwall”, the MAFO reserves the right to void suspect Submissions and/or terminate the “fanwall”.


Any Submission or participant information collected during the “fanwall” shall be used only in a manner consistent with these Terms & Conditions and MAFO’s Privacy Policy located at http://www.oliveira88.com/legal/privacy-policy.html. Each Participant expressly agrees to the use of his/her personal information for such purpose. The following information will be collected from each participant for the purpose of administering the “fanwall”, and may also be used by Released Parties and their affiliates to contact participants: first name, last name, and email address. The Released Parties will not sell, share or otherwise disclose information collected in any manner with third parties, other than those parties necessary to fulfill the above purposes, unless participant has given his prior express consent to receive additional information from the Released Parties or a third party. Participants have a right of access to, modification and deletion of their personal data. To exercise such right, an participant may write to MAFO‘s Privacy Office at [email protected] (“Data Controller” and “Data Recipient”). Participants, please note that participants’ data will be transferred outside of each eligible country to UAE which provide an adequate level of protection according to EU data protection regulations, for the purpose of administering this “fanwall”. The Released Parties will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that participants’ personal information is treated securely and in accordance with MAFO ‘s Privacy Policy and these Terms & Conditions in respect of such transfer, but will not otherwise take steps to ensure compliance with applicable laws in the participants’ country of residence. By participating in the “fanwall”, participants expressly agree to such transfer.


If any provision of these Terms & Conditions is invalid under the law, rules or regulations of a particular country, the invalidity of such provision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provision.

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